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Corn Maize Labyrinth

KTOP HandBook

Below is an outline of Corntopping;

- Providing additional insight into what Corntopping is.

- What a day of Corntopping looks like.

- What you need to know in order to be successful and more.

What is Corntopping?

What Should you Bring to Work?


(ie for bee stings, allergies, headaches or anything)
Please make us aware of any medical issues you may have so that we can be aware.


At least, 1 Gallon Water in thermos (with your last name written with permanent marker)

***This is required by OSHA.*** 

Water is needed for your body & Your name identifies you on the field.


You are responsible for providing your own lunch. Many detasselers bring their lunch in a small cooler so they can use the cooler to sit on while they eat.

Bug Spray/Sunscreen
There is little to no shade, we highly recommend that you bring and wear sunscreen.

What Should you Wear?

Helpful Hints:

The first few days of corn topping will always be the hardest for a few reasons. 

First, it's slower to “open” a field for the first few times.
Second, you are getting used to the environment such as how to walk in the rows. Don't give up because you are achy or tired.

Please make sure to drink plenty of water Including when you are at home the night before working to stay hydrated.

Helpful Reminders:

  • Go to bed earlier so waking up earlier is not as hard.

  • Eating around 5am is hard for most people so make sure you have a few snacks so you can eat without holding it in your hand while trying to walk and work. 

       IE: Quick bites or snacks

  • A fanny pack is a nice option for keeping snacks, gum or hard candies with you.

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